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Located at Hebrew Academy of Nassau County (HANC)
25 Country Road
Plainview, NY 11803
Letter from Rabbi Alan C. Stein
Dear Parents of our children:
Jewish education is a partnership comprising our children, our Hebrew School and you. At Temple Shalom, we strive to develop in our children a strong identification with Judaism, pride in our heritage and a love for all humanity. Your cooperation and support are needed for us to achieve our goals and objectives. Therefore, we request your commitment and involvement in your child’s education. We hope that you will accompany him or her to Friday night services and holiday celebrations and by observing holidays in your home.
For your information, this booklet provides a summary of our curriculum, the school requirements, a sample of our Hebrew progress report and disciplinary guidelines. Please do not hesitate to contact your child’s teacher or me if you have any questions, concerns or comments.
All best regards,
Rabbi Alan Stein
The mission of the Temple Shalom Hebrew School is to work in partnership with families to enhance and strengthen the Jewish identity of each student. In order to do so, we provide a comprehensive Jewish education which emphasizes the history, culture, customs and contributions of the Jewish people. Our goal is to help the children identify positively and with pride as Jews in a multi-cultural, multi-ethnic community.
Jewish education is a partnership. It is a unique and holy relationship between home and school, between parents, children and teachers. We believe that the synagogue and school are both important aspects of a child’s Jewish learning experience. The skills students learn in school must be practiced in the home or they will have little or no meaning for the child. We, therefore, encourage observances, discussions, learning experiences and celebration of Jewish life with family and friends at home.
To help complete this partnership, parents can take cues from the school’s information and follow up appropriately with their children. When a holiday is approaching, parents can check for particulars that are being learned and ask what the child can do at home for the upcoming celebration.
Each day there will be info re: the day’s lesson. Today’s learning objective: We will learn about______________. To understand what was covered on a particular day in Hebrew School, please look at your child’s notebook.
Below are some suggested questions parents could ask children at the end of the school day:
- What was the funniest thing that happened in school?
- What question did you ask today?
- What question did your friend ask today?
- What does that prayer mean to you?
- What was your favorite part of the class today?
- What story did you read in the Bible today?
- Let’s read one of your Hebrew pages together.
- Show me what pages you read in school today.
- Teach me something that you learned today.
By enrolling my child in Temple Shalom’s religious school, I acknowledge my responsibility to:
- Instill in my child a positive attitude towards religious education.
- Bring my child to at least six services from July 1 through June 30 when he is in 3rd through 7th grade.
- Reinforce at home the positive efforts made by the Rabbi, Cantor and teachers.
- Bring my child to school on a regular and timely basis. Since the school is limited in the amount of time with the children, I understand that it is important that they be there when the class starts.
- Avoid having my child leave school early for sports or any other reason unless it cannot be avoided. Again, I understand that the school time is limited and I am committed to maximize my child’s learning opportunity.
- Work in partnership with my child’s teachers towards the goal of providing my child with the best educational experience possible.
The Temple Shalom education program has been designed to educate our children to have a love of Judaism that will enrich their lives through adulthood.
We strive:
- To imbue the students with a love of G-d and trust in G-d’s goodness.
- To provide opportunities for the children to develop spiritual and ethical sensitivity through curricular experiences.
- To foster a positive Jewish identity within the student.
- To develop basic Jewish literacy including the study of Hebrew, Siddur skills, Torah, Jewish history and the observance of important Jewish rituals and holidays.
- To provide experiences and develop skills in Jewish prayer and creative spiritual expression.
- To emphasize the concept of mitzvah as a basis for Jewish belief and action.
- To create an appreciation of lifelong Torah study as a vital link to our tradition.
- To develop a kinship with world Jewish community, affirm our historical bond to Eretz Yisrael, the State of Israel and strengthen our concern for the welfare of Jews throughout the world.
Attendance Requirements:
Approximately 28 sessions per school year + 6 Friday Night Services (High Holiday Services don’t count!)
Hebrew School begins the week of September 9, 2013.
Class Time: 4:30 pm – 6:30 pm
Drop off and Pickup:
Drop off and Pickup will take place in the circular drive at the front of the school.
Parents who are dropping off their children after 4:40pm should bring their children around back and escort them upstairs. All early pickups must be prior to 6:15 pm. A note must be given to the teacher the day of Hebrew School. You must come in and sign out our child.
Students will line up by carpool number. You must provide the office with your carpool number even if you are a car with one child. Please pull up with your carpool number on a large sheet of paper. We will call carpool numbers for dismissal.
Being on time is important. Please make certain children are in class and ready for school in a timely manner. Late arrival to class is often a contributing factor to difficulties in class. Also, please pick up children promptly.
If your child stayed home sick from school, please do not send them to Hebrew school. They must be fever free for 24 hours. This includes excessive coughing or runny noses. If they are constantly coughing or their runny nose is constant, please keep them home.
Your child will receive schoolbooks. Please check to make sure your child is prepared for each class with a folder, notebook, pen and pencil. All male children will be expected to wear kippot. We will provide one but encourage you to bring your own. Tzedaka is strongly encouraged.
Homework Policy:
Homework policy this year will be 10 minutes, reading or writing. We want to hold the children accountable for grasping new concepts in class. There will be 2 formal assessments each year as you will be given a report on their progress and learning.
Progress Reports
Distributed two times per year.
Each child has the right to learn without interference from other people in the school or class.
Each child has the right to work together with other students and teachers in an atmosphere of mutual respect and understanding.
Each child has the right to have one’s personal property respected by others.
Students are not permitted to touch the smart boards or other personal property of other students on the premises.
Expectations of Behavior
In order to ensure a positive learning environment, it is important that all children behave in a reasonable manner. This is particularly so because our time and space in Hebrew School is fairly limited and must be fully devoted to learning activities. We cannot permit classes to be disrupted because of unacceptable behavior. The following course of action may be taken to address disruptions in the educational process:
1. In most classes teacher intervention in the classroom will be sufficient.
2. A brief written note, a Note of Concern or email, will be sent home informing parents that a problem occurred and asking them to speak to the child.
3. Parents will receive a call from the teacher or Rabbi.
4. A meeting will be held between the parents, the child and the Rabbi.
By enrolling by child in Temple Shalom Religious School, I recognize my responsibility to ensure that my home reflects the values and ideals of my child’s education. I will support the mission of the school, and I shall endeavor to:
- Instill my child a positive attitude towards religious education.
- Bring my child to at least six services from September 15, 2013 through June 30, - - 2014 when he or she is in 3rd grade through 7th grade. High Holiday Services do not count!
- Reinforce at home the positive efforts made by the Rabbi and teachers.
- Bring my child to school on a regular and timely basis. Since the school is limited in the amount of time with the children, I understand that it is important that they may be there when the class starts.
- Avoid having my child leave school early for sports or any other reason unless it cannot be avoided. Again, I understand that the school time is limited, and I am committed to maximize my child’s learning opportunity.
Healthy snacks of pretzel rods and water will be provided by the school for students. Due to the strict dietary laws observed at HANC, students are prohibited from bringing snacks and drinks to class.
Should any child have a food allergy that restricts them from being able to snack on pretzels, please contact our office. Any items brought should have an OU placed on the wrapper.
Class Parents/Class Participation:
We are asking for 2 volunteers from each class to act as class parents/liaison. Each class will have the honor of preparing for a holiday, (preparation, set up, clean up, etc.)
Parent Responsibilities:
Set up, clean up, and sponsor Oneg for children’s service. Deliver communication to other parents in the class. Organize volunteers to help set up for their assigned holiday.
Class Services:
The schedule of class services is attached for your convenience. Please reserve the date now as you are expected to come and participate and support your classmates.
Bar-Bat Mitzvah
Dates are assigned in 4th Grade. Lessons start approximately 6 months before the Bar/Bat Mitzvah.
We look forward to a wonderful year working together to enhance your child’s knowledge of Judaism.
Services are held on Friday Nights at 7:30pm at the Historical Chapel.